Plastic Pelletizer EPS Foam Pelletizer Machine

Plastic Pelletizer EPS Foam Pelletizer Machine


EPS pelletizer machine as known as EPS foam granulator machine.

EPS pelletizer machine is mainly used for the re-granulation from waste EPS expanded polystyrene, recycling Styrofoam to get PS granules to save space.


EPS Pelletizer machine is a device used for recycling Styrofoam. It works by first breaking down the Styrofoam into small pieces and then melting and compressing it into pellets. These pellets can then be used to create new products or materials. EPS Pelletizer machines are popular in industries that use a lot of Styrofoam packaging, such as the food and electronics industries. Additionally, recycling Styrofoam helps to reduce waste and environmental pollution.